
Greater Washington: Build HEre

Greater Washington: Build Here is a project of Connected DMV’s Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS) — a cross-sector, cross-jurisdictional group of leaders working together on key strategies, recommendations, and initiatives to make progress towards and achieve equitable economic development in the region — and supported by the region’s economic development organizations.

In 2020, Connected DMV released the REDS Report, making several key recommendations in pursuit of this larger equitable economic development mission. One of the recommendations in the report was to launch a cohesive regional brand. For over a year, a group of the region’s leading economic development organizations and destination marketing organizations collaborated on that regional brand and marketing. The focus of the group is to develop a joint marketing pilot effort to attract major events, companies, investment, and workforce to the region and jointly attend key events such as tradeshows under a common regional banner.

Greater Washington: Build Here is the result of that effort and continues to evolve. It was launched at 2022’s Quantum World Congress.